Curriculum Vitæ


PhD in (Egyptian) Archaeology

Title: Royal cities of the New Kingdom: A Spatial Analysis of Production and Socio-Economics in Late Bronze Age Egypt

University of Liverpool, School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology

Graduated 2014

M.A. in Egyptology and Classical Archaeology:

Thesis in Egyptology: Die Endphase der Ramsesstadt: Die Bedeutung und Geschichte der Stadt in der späten Ramessidenzeit (The final phase of Per-Ramesses: The significance and history of this city during the late Ramesside Period)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

2000 – 2006

M.St. in Oriental Studies by research:


  • The Representation of the Hittite people in Ancient Egyptian Art
  • The Scribe Statue of Amenhotep (Oxford, Ashmolean Museum 1913.163)

University of Oxford, The Queen’s College

2003 – 2004

Researcher (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) in Egyptology

    Analysis and publication of domestic workshop site M40.14-16 at Amarna. Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Freie Universität Berlin

September 2020 – Present

Stand-in Professor (Lehrstuhlvertretung) for Egyptology

    Teaching cover (5 classes, BA and MA level), administrative duties (in charge of MA programme and ERASMUS): winter semester 2020-21.

Freie Universität Berlin

October 2020 – March 2021

Guest Researcher (Gastwissenschaftlerin)

    Researcher on urban domestic industries at Amarna.

Freie Universität Berlin

August 2019 – August 2020

Stand-in Professor (Lehrstuhlvertretung) for Egyptology

    Teaching cover (4 classes, BA and MA level), administrative duties (in charge of MA programme and ERASMUS): summer semester 2019.

Freie Universität Berlin

April 2019 – August 2019

Guest Researcher (Gastwissenschaftlerin)

    Researcher on glass objects from Amarna.

Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Amarna Project

January – March 2019

Post-doctoral Research Fellow

Freie Universität Berlin, Excellence cluster TOPOI / Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Amarna Project

October 2017 – December 2018

Marie Curie Post-doctoral Research Fellow

Freie Universität Berlin, Excellence cluster TOPOI / Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / Amarna Project

October 2015 – September 2017

Post-doctoral Research Fellow

    Processing of glass jewellery from the ancient Egyptian New Kingdom (photography, illustration, database work) and design and execution of a research project on glass ear-studs.

The British Museum Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, London, UK

April 2014 – June 2014

Supervisor: Geomatics and Archaeologist

  • GIS work, with a specialisation in open source GIS applications (gvSIG, Quantum GIS, PostGIS, GRASS). CAD work.
  • Visualisation and analysis of archaeological raster and vector data.
  • Database (PostgreSQL, MS Access) and research work, data collection and map regression.
  • Illustration work (Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator).
  • Documentation of methodologies, production of manuals and staff training in survey (Leica 400, 700, 800 and 1200, series total station, Leica 1200 series GPS) and open source GIS (workshops taught to groups of staff in different offices throughout the UK).
  • Fieldwork: Site survey, initial set out, excavation and recording in the UK and France.

Oxford Archaeology, Janus House, Osney Mead, Oxford OX20ES
Oxford Archaeology North, Mill 3, Moor Lane, Lancaster, LA1 1GF

December 2007 – August 2013

Archaeologist at Wessex Archaeology:

Excavation and recording, site survey in the UK

Wessex Archaeology, Portway House, Old Sarum Park, Salisbury, SP4 6EB

October 2006 – December 2006

The Egypt Exploration Society: Fieldwork and Research Grant

Grant for two season of post-excavation analysis and publication of the material excavated at Amarna M50.14-16.

The Egypt Exploration Society, London, UK

March 2018

The Egypt Exploration Society: Fieldwork and Research Grant

Grants for a second season of excavation at Amarna M50.14-16 and for a trial of chemical analysis of glass from Amarna by handheld XRF.

The Egypt Exploration Society, London, UK

February 2015

The Rakow Grant

Grant for the re-excavation of a potential glass-kiln at houses M50.14-16 at Amarna in October and November 2014.

Corning Museum of Glass, New York State, USA

March 2014

The G. A. Wainwright Fund

Grant for the re-excavation of a potential glass-kiln at houses M50.14-16 at Amarna in October and November 2014.

The Griffith Institute, University of Oxford, UK

December 2013

The Association for the History of Glass

Grant for the re-excavation of a potential glass-kiln at houses M50.14-16 at Amarna in October and November 2014.

The Association for the History of Glass, London, UK

July 2013

The Thames Valley Ancient Egypt Society

Grant for the re-excavation of a potential glass-kiln at houses M50.14-16 at Amarna in October and November 2014.

The Thames Valley Ancient Egypt Society, Berkshire, UK

May 2013

UCLA speaker's honorarium

Lectures presented on the site of Gurob and Late Bronze Age Egyptian industries.

University of California, Los Angeles, USA

January 2013

Departmental travel awards

Travel costs for fieldwork in Egypt, conference fees, accommodation and travel in 2009, 2010 and 2011.

School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, University of Liverpool, UK

April 2009 - September 2011

Prize for second-best paper

The Third Open Source GIS Conference.

University of Nottingham, UK

June 2011
Teaching Activities

University Lecturer

Theorie und Interpretation in der Ägyptischen Archäologie

Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Egyptology, Germany
04/2016 – 07/2016, 04/2017 – 07/2017 and 04/2018 – 07/2018

Day School – GIS for Archaeologists

Teching of basic skills in geographical information systems (GIS) for archaeologists using open source software QGIS.

The University of Liverpool, UK

February 2012
Conference Organisation

International and Interdisciplinary Workshop

Approaches in the Analysis of Production at Archaeological Sites

Excellence Cluster TOPOI, Germany
20 - 21/01/2018

Archaeological Research Work

Tell el-Amarna Glass Analysis

On-site analysis, by portable x-ray fluorescence, of c.600 objects from glass, faience and ceramics.

The Amarna Project

Tell el-Amarna: Buildings M50.14-16

Direction of the excavation of a domestic glass- and faience workshop in the Main City: fund-raising, organisation of the fieldwork, post-excavation analysis and publication.

The Amarna Project

October 2014 – November 2014 October 2017 – November 2017, report

Tell el-Amarna: Glass Bead Making at Amarna

Design of a small pit furnace based on archaeological evidence from Amarna, firing and manufacture of beads from raw (modern) glass. See here.

The Amarna Project

October 2017 – March 2018
Other Archaeological Work in Egypt

Tell el-Amarna: The Great Aten Temple

Archaeological supervision, excavation, recording and report-writing.

The Amarna Trust, The McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge

April 2012 – Present

The Gurob Harem Palace Project

Excavation within the industrial area (kilns), site supervision, recording and report-writing, Total Station and GPS survey, GIS and post-excavation analysis. Webmaster for project website.

School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, University of Liverpool
Institute of Archaeology, 31 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0PY;

April 2009 – 2012


Fieldwork at site QVII, and post-excavation, object analysis, illustration and publication.

Roemer- und Pelizaeus Museum, Am Steine 1-2, 31134 Hildesheim, Germany

July 2003 – November 2004
Laboratory Experience

Portable x-ray fluorescence: Analysis of glass from Amarna:

Chemical analysis using a portable X-Ray fluorescence device (Niton™ XL3t GOLDD+ XRF Analyzer - Thermo Fisher Scientific). Data evaluation by database and GIS application. Pilot study for work at Amarna.

Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Berlin

June - July 2015

Portable x-ray fluorescence: Analysis of glass at Amarna:

Portable ED-XRF Spectrometer (PXRF) - ELIO – XGLAB (ongoing), data evaluation using PyMCA.

The Amarna Project

February - March 2018
Professional Training

ProFiL (Professionalisierung von Frauen in Lehre und Forschung)

Participation in personal mentoring sessions, seminars and training sessions on issues of specific interest to academics and strategic networking.

Technische Universität, Humboldt-Universität, and Freie Universität Berlin

July 2019 – August 2020
Volunteering and Work Experience

Volunteer at Bolton Museum and Aquarium

Cataloguing of objects and design of the exhibition Egyptomania

Bolton Museum and Archive Service, Le Mans Crescent, Bolton, BL1 1SE

October 2008 – April 2009

Work experience at the Roemer- und Pelizaeus Museum Hildesheim

Re-design of displays of objects and library research while planning a display on Late Period Egypt.

Roemer- und Pelizaeus Museum, Am Steine 1-2, 31134 Hildesheim, Germany

February – April 2002
Memberships of Scientific Societies

Member, Egypt Exploration Society

Member, International Association of Egyptologists

Member, Association for the History of Glass

Member, The Society for Archaeological Sciences

Language Skills

Modern Languages

English and German: Bilingual

French: fluent

Egyptian Arabic: good working knowledge

Italian: working knowledge

Ancient Languages

Middle, Old and Late Egyptian: Hieroglyphs and Hieratic

Latin: Latinum

Coptic: basic working knowledge

Ancient Greek: basic working knowledge

Akkadian: basic working knowledge